For the last two centuries, consumers have relied heavily on transportation services for the delivery of their foods and products to local markets. Today, with the rising practice of social distancing, the importance of the transportation sector has never been so great as consumers look to have products delivered to their doorsteps. In the business of commercial delivery, it is important that the driver be prepared to protect himself or herself against the dangers associated with being on the road. Here are three key areas in which drivers should plan ahead to protect themselves.

1. Mechanical Failure
Whether it’s a flat tire or a blown gasket, the more you drive, the more likely something will eventually go wrong. Being prepared for these situations is vital to keeping your shipping deadlines. Look to commercial roadside assistance programs that can help you get back on the road as quickly as possible, whether you need a simple repair or towed to a nearby mechanic.
2. Keep Protective Gear
Because you spend the majority of your time in the confines of the cabin of your truck, this does not make you immune to the risks associated with contracting coronavirus. You’ll be stopping for gas, food and restroom breaks. Keep disposable gloves for when you’re at the pump, and wash your hands after every stop. Use hand sanitizer for disinfecting your hands when you have to handle cash or use the keypad at the check-out line. If you have to be in close proximity to other people, also wear a cloth mask. Many good citizens are making these masks at home and giving them away for free.
3. Get Plenty of Rest
Not only is sleep vital to your safety on the road, it’s also an important part of your body’s immunity system. Depriving your mind and body of sleep can lead to mistakes and response time lags in your driving, and it can also deprive your body of the time it needs to build up defenses against disease. Everyone is different. While some people require eight hours of sleep a night, some people function best on as few as six. Your body will tell you if it needs more, so be sure to listen.
Being prepared will keep you safe when you’re on the road. Be prepared for anything to go wrong with your car, and be prepared to protect yourself from illness. Consumers need you now more than ever.