Deal Like A Pro With These Top Car Shopping Tips

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Are you looking for advice on shopping for a car?

If so, then you have come to the right place. The goal of this guide is to make you into a master at shopping for a car. All you have to do is read the advice below and follow it!

There are several things that you should have in mind before going car shopping. How much do you have to spend? What number of passengers must fit inside the vehicle? You will need to know the gas milage that is acceptable for your budget. Do you want a vehicle with four doors or will two suffice? Make a list of what you want in a car.

Rather than buying a brand-new car, purchase a lightly used one that is only a couple of years old. Many cars come with transferable warranties that last for three years or 36,000 miles. You …

Tips for Maintaining a Vacation Property

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If you are lucky enough to own a vacation home or cottage, you know that maintenance and repairs are necessary in order to keep up with wear and tear. Whether you have a cabin that’s tucked away in the woods or a peaceful cottage on the water, here are a few things to look for when planning your projects.

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Water Safety

Having your camp situated near a body of water can be one of its most attractive features. Making sure family and guests have safe access to a lake or pond is a top priority. A yearly check of all docks and watercraft should be on the checklist to ensure maximum enjoyment. Inspect all landings for loose boards or exposed nails and screws. If the structure dips into the water, consider installing an empty 55-gallon plastic drum under the base to provide extra flotation. Replacement marine parts may be necessary …

How To Use Smoke To Find a Vacuum Leak

General Articles

The engine of your car takes in air and mixes it with fuel, which then gets compressed and ignited to generate the power that runs your vehicle. The engine draws in air through a partially closed butterfly-shaped valve, which creates a vacuum in the intake manifold. That vacuum is used to control a variety of different functions that can all be disrupted by air leaks. One of the easiest ways to detect an air leak in your vehicle is by using smoke.

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The Smoke Machine

Professional smoke machines pump a thick white smoke into the intake system and vacuum lines of your vehicle. You can then watch for puffs of smoke in your engine compartment to locate places where the air is leaking out. This process can also be used to find exhaust leaks. Similar equipment is available to use the smoke method to find leaks in other types of …

3 Ways To Improve Trade-in Value on Your Car

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Your car is probably one of your most expensive investments, and it’s one that can have a lot of wear and tear. Chances are you use it daily, and it could take quite a beating unless cared for properly. Your attention to it is important not just for appearance sake, but for its resale value as well. At some point, you’ll want something new, and this car may need to go. At that time, you’ll want to make sure it drives well and looks impeccable. Here are three things to do that could improve your trade-in value.

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Keep It Clean

Don’t rely on a detail service to fix everything at one time. Instead, set a schedule for regular washing and vacuuming. Over time, dirt could damage the car’s paint; rinse it regularly to avoid this problem. If you’re too busy or don’t have the resources to do it at …

How To Prepare Your Car for Winter

General Articles

With winter comes snowy weather, shorter days and frigid temperatures. Whether you’re anticipating a light dusting of snow or a full blizzard, ensuring that your car is well prepared for winter is essential to properly maintaining your vehicle. Here are some key practices for prepping your car for the upcoming winter season.

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Address Problems Now

The last thing you want is to be left stranded in a snowstorm because you ignored something that needed to be fixed. No matter what kinds of issues you run into, take them seriously. Ensuring that your car is in good shape before the winter weather strikes helps you protect it against potential damage. If you notice that something is wrong when inspecting your vehicle, take it in for car care near Lake Stevens WA as soon as possible.

Fill Your Tires

One of the first tasks on your pre-winter checklist should be to fill …