Disabled Persons’ Guide to Handicap Permits
Disabled persons often need to apply for a handicap permit. This process involves meeting with a medical professional, such as a chiropractor, osteopath, or podiatrist. The doctor or medical professional will fill out the necessary application. Once the medical professional is satisfied that you are eligible to apply for a handicap permit, you must apply online or in person.
Documentation Required
For people with a disability, handicapped and disabled permits are an excellent way to save time and energy. However, there are several requirements and criteria to meet to get a permit. The requirements vary from state to state, so check with your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles before applying.
You must have proof of identity. You must provide copies of identification documents that prove your full name, date of birth, and signature. If your permit is seized for not having the proper documentation, you cannot get a new one … Read more