How to Build a Car Wash

If you’re looking to start a small business, a car wash can be an excellent choice, if you approach it properly. While it takes capital and planning to get started, a good car wash is always in demand. If you provide great customer service and stay in good working order with car wash maintenance, you may be able to practically print money! Here’s what you need to know to get up and running.

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Feasibility Study

You will need a reliable car wash maintenance company to perform a feasibility study to make sure you have enough land on your property to handle a car wash. It will also evaluate your access to water at the location. A good feasibility study will also include a market analysis to make sure it’s a high traffic location without too many car washes already nearby.

Traffic Plan

You will also need a smart, effective, and safe traffic plan to get vehicles in and out of the car wash and back onto the street. While this doesn’t seem complicated on its surface, you need a qualified car wash maintenance company to assist you, as things like the variable lengths and turning radiuses of vehicles and timing of traffic lights need to be figured into the equations.

System Installation

Once your property and area are greenlit, you can select the sort of system you want to install. The amount of time it takes to install a car wash system can vary greatly based on how much of the existing structure can be modified and used, or if you’re building from the ground up.


Your system will have lots of moving parts, so a great car wash maintenance contract is critical. If your car wash is constantly breaking down or out of service, you’ll see business slow down very quickly.

Everyone needs a car wash. If you can build an efficient and reliable one, it’s a fantastic business opportunity.